Not Gonna Lie

Kim Klassen shared a post, complete with templates and a video tutorial, on how to make a year-on-the-wall calendar. She did all the heavy lifting by creating the templates, picking the fonts, making sure the days and months were correct, and even adding a perfect quote to the bottom of the calendar page.

Kim’s calendars were so beautiful, I decided to give it a try.

Not gonna lie, even when she made it super easy, it was still hard for me. My husband tried to help. I called my son who works in IT and he conveniently did not pick up. I spent a good amount of time figuring out how to import the templates into Lightroom. Then I had to step away from the computer and come back the next day. Once refreshed, I signed up for Canva and again uploaded Kim’s clever calendar templates. This was tricky. Somehow I got the files to open in Word, enabled editing, clicked on the “here” button and presto the file opened in Canva. Don’t ask me how because I do not know.

Fortunately, I already had a dozen images chosen and gathered in a collection. This is the only really fun part of the project, and I had already done this part for another small calendar I ordered from Artifact Uprising to give to the two people who most keep me going. My physical therapist and my counselor.

Calendar finally complete! With all that effort, I felt as though it would be a shame not to print one. Ordered from an online print lab, 11 X 17 poster.

I didn’t even need a wall calendar, but I fully consider this work to be brain exercise! Apparently, I am of the age where this is a daily requirement.

Calendar Design and Templates courtesy of Kim Klassen.