The universe just keeps sending good things and good people my way. Sometimes I am living in my head and do not take notice. In these cases, it’s usually my body that has the power to call my attention, and nowadays, I listen.
First up, there was this most perfect post from Helen McLaughlin, Is it okay not to be intentional?
“Your inner compass is on all the time. Fresh, new thought is occurring to you all the time. You don't need anything you don't already have, including intentions.”
Second, a new book that has me thinking.
Accidentally Wes Anderson. From the book jacket: “Inspired by a community of more than one million Adventurers, Accidentally Wes Anderson tells the stories behind the most beautiful, idiosyncratic, and interesting places on Earth.”
The book is essentially a travelogue, where each story begins with a photograph captioned with a Name, Location, and Date (when the structure or location was founded, established, built, manufactured, or opened to the public).
Studying the book, I began to think back to the pictures I’ve taken on our travels and how some of them might fall into the identifiable style of a Wes Anderson film. I’ve been culling through my archives, creating a collection of images that could become my own Adventure Journal. There are many things I like about this type of project. The travels don’t have to be far away or exotic to yield interesting photographs. I find the idea of one or two compelling photographs of a place far more possible and intriguing than snapping away at everything. This project would also give me the opportunity to dive into the history of the subject, an added dimension of narrative. And of course, the COLOR and DESIGN elements!
Helen’s words ring true:
“What if the right things, the right 'intentions,' if you want to call them that, will find you? (What if the exact right next step has been finding you this whole time, intentions or not?)
What if it's less about planning what you want to go after...and more about following the next thing that gives you that indescribable juicy feeling? That buzz of energy?”
Riverview Inn
Colonial Beach, Virginia | c. 1948