Through A Lens Of Love

I’m working my way along a path to relief from chronic pain that relies heavily on the brain science of mind body connection. Now, there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say! I’m a scientist at heart, trained as a physical therapist. So for me, pain has always meant addressing some biological, structural, or physiological issue. It’s only recently that I have come to understand that most chronic conditions originate from a dysregulated nervous system. It’s a whole thing . . . and you can read about it in the book, Mind Your Body by Nicole Sachs, if you’re interested.

Sharing an excerpt from Nicole’s book:

“Life can be experienced through one of two lenses: love or fear . . . When you look at your existence through the lens of fear, you anxiously need things to be a certain way, whether it’s in regard to yourself or others. You continually scan your world for problems, and when you find them—which you always will—you get stuck on what should be. Not only does living through the lens of fear require a ton of emotional repression (life is never exactly as you wish), but it creates resistance to the natural process of healing.

The lens of love, in contrast, is gentle. You acknowledge that life is constantly changing, and human beings are evolutionarily wired to ebb and flow. When you can learn to “wear life loosely” . . . you allow people and situations to be as they are—rather than how you’d have them to be. In this process, your nervous system no longer has to react so defensively to every stressful situation . . . Looking at life through a lens of love requires paying attention to how you talk to yourself.”

All of this work has been transformative for me. What I see most is just how much freer I am in my creative work. It feels risky to simply love the pictures I take. For years, I've been so critical of my work and struggled to find the value in each picture. And now, none of that seems important. What I feel now is a kind of radical acceptance and wonderful appreciation for just how much joy this hobby has given me.