Farm House | Olympus om-1, Kodak portra 400
I’ve been reading a beautiful essay, Navigating the Mysteries by Martin Shaw, in Emergence Magazine, Volume 3. There is so much to think on in his words.
“My petition is that we accept the challenge of uncertainty. As a matter of personal style. It’s the right thing to do. It’s what the Anglo-Saxons called ‘living in the bone-house.’ We get older, we find life is riven with weirdness. We should be weird, too. To know, tell, and create stories is a wondrous skill that keeps faith with the traditional and beauteous techniques our ancestors used when faced with the sudden mists and tripwires of living.”
Every picture is a story, a way of beholding the world. This what I love about photography.
The concluding lines of this essay inspire and uplift.
“What are we bored by, what needs to stay stay buried? What deserves to be re-imagined, re-seeded, re-beheld?
That’s where the joyful work is. I’m handing you a spade.
This a moment of unexpected possibility.”