Kodak Portra 160 film
This is the pier that was owned by Walter Parkinson in Colonial Beach, Virginia, on the Potomac River. In the years of my youth, Mr. Parkinson (not to be confused with my family of origin, the Parkers) ran the Big Dipper charter boat out of Colonial Beach, catering to anglers hoping to catch rockfish and sightseeing tourists. Like most people who live in a tourist town, I never participated in any of the main attractions. I did spend lots of time on the water in our family boat, but it would have been unheard of for a local girl to join in with the tourists and pay to ride on a boat.
When Mr. Parkinson passed away, his wife Alberta kept the business going. I was talking with my sister this morning, reminiscing about growing up in this small town, and she made me laugh with her wish, “We shoulda taken a ride on that boat with Alberta, at least once!”