“I think there’s a kind of desperate hope built into poetry now that one really wants, hopelessly, to save the world." —W.S. Merwin
I am delighted that two of my photographs are included in Pearl Press, Issue 13, Grayscale.
Pearl Press was founded by fine arts photographer and creative writer, Delilah Twersky, as an online community that strives to build a community of diverse voices with artists who want to uplift one another.
Life is not black or white, but falls in multiple places between. Our work fluctuates with our understanding of self, studying the intricacies of what it is to be alive. Covering topics of conservation, love, miscarriage, abortion, family lineage, and more. None of the conversation existing within a set of rules, but within the space of the gray area. —Delilah Twersky, #pearlpress