I thrive with goals and challenges and learning. I love being a student and aim to maintain a beginner’s mindset. But many photography classes are outside my budget. And when I do finally plunk down a good sum of money to purchase a course, I am sometimes disappointed by the content or the teaching style/format. With these thoughts in mind, I’ve been looking for ways to teach myself with what’s available online, often for free.

This week, I’ve discovered photographer Sean Tucker. I recall quoting Sean a time or two, but hadn’t really delved into his work or his teachings. Wow! He is amazing. Today, I watched his video, Protect your Highlights. I love how he relates photography lessons to the larger picture of how we live our lives. Protecting our highlights, setting those good things in our minds for a full 10 seconds, as a way to preserve motivation and stave off despair. Honestly, the whole video lifted my spirits and felt deeply encouraging.

The only thing missing from my online learning experience are classmates and study groups. I’m sick of Zoom and dog-tired from typing email responses (mostly, because I have A LOT to say), but I love a good old-fashioned phone call. If you want to talk about something you’re learning, email me and we’ll set up a phone date.

Oh, almost forgot. I ordered the book by Sean Tucker, The Meaning in the Making: The Why and How Behind Our Human Need to Create. If you read it too, I’d love to hear your thoughts.