Today is her birthday, and the day is filled with small celebrations. All day long friends and family call or text or stop by. Her granddaughter is on the way to visit, bringing her newest great-grandchild, who is only three months-old. But the baby is fussy and her granddaughter calls to say she turned around to head back home; the trip is too much. She remembers what it was like, those early mothering years. She tells us a story—the time she sent my husband, when he was only six years-old to go get Aunt Punny to come help with his little brother who was colicky. She opens small gifts and enjoys dinner out with her children. Just this week she shared that she is sad to say goodbye to so many friends that have passed on. She faces her own health challenges, too. But her mind is sharp and she is interested in everything. She is quick to laugh and easy to love. I watch her, sitting on her patio on this beautiful June day. She is barefooted and relaxed. And I think to myself, I want to be just like her when I am eighty-nine.

Happy birthday to my mother-in-law.