Little corners like this, pieces of Heaven
left lying around, can be picked up and saved.
People won't even see that you have them,
they are so light and easy to hide.
—Any Morning, William Stafford
We can seek out “little corners like this, pieces of Heaven” where we can just be ourselves, where we do not feel the need to try or work harder or do anything. When we reconnect with ourselves throughout the day, we can let go of stressful striving. We can stop pretending, pleasing and competing. We can be grounded and open-hearted and fully present.
I am learning to pause and embrace a bit of space in each day. Today I’m listening to Being Well Podcast: Perfectionism and Unhealthy Striving. How can we aim high, achieve our goals, and get what we want out of life without falling prey to unhealthy striving and excessive perfectionism? I see myself in the discussion, and I feel joy over the prospect of change and growth.