Not every day is a big picture day.

I carry the camera with me every day. Some days it barely leaves my side and others it never leaves the trunk of the car. But I like knowing it’s there.

There are days like today when I meet a friend for a walk. I always try to arrive early so I have a few minutes to spare - to see through the lens and fill a frame or two.

Today. A canoe stored for the season. Orange chrysanthemums cascading over the flower bed onto the sidewalk. British soldiers on almost every corner as if spread by seed far and wide. Hydrangeas dried to softer hues. A sprinkler showering annuals - still flowering in early fall - set in a beautiful urn.

Today is not a big picture day. But there are more days like this one, the simple days of routine and ordinary, than there are the days of great revelation and creation. It seems wise to work with what I have been given.