A Guidebook For Small Travels - how to know very well your own little place in the world

This collection of images is a work-in-progress inspired and influenced by the thinking of some of my favorite creative people and works.

  • This quote from Margaret Renkl (which I found in an interview she gave about her book, Late Migrations).

    “I’m not in any way knocking grand traveling as a way of understanding the world, but I think there is an equal way of understanding the world by knowing very well your own little place in the world.” —Margaret Renkl

  • The bright, contrasty style of the photo collection, Accidentally Wes Anderson.

  • The gorgeous book layout of Mark Forbes’ Collected Memories. From Mark’s book, I learned the value of visual space (including blank pages), the subtly of a plain gray rectangle, the variety of single and double page spreads, the value of special touches like hand-drawn illustrations, the multiple and magical places for tucking in quotes and text, and the importance of book size and orientation. I build my photo books as I go. If you are so inclined, you can follow along as I make changes and rework the book, here.

I’ve sorted through my archives, pulling together images that fit this theme and style. Next up, making new work to support and flush out the project.